I have a Django model for a sweater and want to be able to enter the composition of materials used in the admin panel (say: "100% wool" or "50% wool, 50% cotton" or "50% wool, 45% cotton, 5% acryl").
I have this model:
class Sweater(models.Model):
wool = models.IntegerField(max_length=3, default=100, verbose_name="wool (%)")
cotton = models.IntegerField(max_length=3, default=0, verbose_name="cotton (%)")
acryl = models.IntegerField(max_length=3, default=0, verbose_name="acryl (%)")
How and where do I assert that the sum of the wool, cotton and acryl values must be 100 so that a user can't enter for example "100% wool, 100% cotton, 100% acryl"?