



please check out this site:

Does anyone know how i could add a preloader(with fade effect) on an html page? i think google has the same effect.

What about the music player? it never stops playing while refreshing the page or navigate through the site. How can this be done and not losing stats(page visits-loads)?

Any ideas would be great...

thanks in advanced, Sotiris

by the way this is my first question into this site!! glad i found it.......


Re your second question, their site is strongly AJAX based so contents get loaded using JavaScript, and not by refreshing the page. Content they could not integrate that way (like the blog) gets opened in a new window.

As for stats, you can trigger a click count in Google Analytics even when using Ajax, no problem.

If you're talking about stats for calculating your site's ad value, I know that the biggest commercial pageview stats service in Germany (IWV, comparable to Nielsen in the US) allows counting Ajax loads as page views as long as the content loaded is a significant change to the page. I assume most other services do the same nowadays.

so let Ajax be....! right?
Mm, not necessarily. If it works for your site and audience, why not use Ajax. It's even halfway easy to set up.

totally agree. awdio uses the anchor in url to point at right content when refresh.

Another solution might be iframe the player and iframe for content but not really fun of that solution.

iframe...? not for me i guess, but if this is the easiest solution i will have to think about it!