




I have a problem in getting the values from all the 3 IMAGE elements coz they have the same name. Below is my xml feed

      <MED>images1/med.jpg </MED> 
      <MED>images2/med.jpg </MED> 

I have written a function in php that will return the first block.

function images($id){


    foreach ($xml->FOUND->IMAGES as $image)

    'xl'=>$image->IMAGE-> EXTRAL,


return $imagearr;

How do I get to grab all the 3 IMAGE elements? I need to use the returned value in to the below html table

<table width="200" border="1">

Any help will be much appreciated

+2  A: 

I would use xPath to return an array.

Try this:

$xml = simplexml_load_file('feed.xml');

$results = $xml->xpath('//IMAGE');


Output ...

array(3) {
  object(SimpleXMLElement)#2 (4) {
    string(16) "images/small.jpg"
    string(14) "images/med.jpg"
    string(16) "images/large.jpg"
    string(16) "images/extra.jpg"
  object(SimpleXMLElement)#3 (4) {
    string(17) "images1/small.jpg"
    string(16) "images1/med.jpg "
    string(17) "images1/large.jpg"
    string(17) "images1/extra.jpg"
  object(SimpleXMLElement)#4 (4) {
    string(17) "images2/small.jpg"
    string(16) "images2/med.jpg "
    string(17) "images2/large.jpg"
    string(17) "images2/extra.jpg"

You'll then be able to iterate over the results with something like

foreach($results as $row)
 print $row->SMALL;

Hope that helps

The Pixel Developer
the problem is that the image path is dynamic , the image path can also be like images985, there is more than 3 elements :(
First of all, you should be more clear because right of now, I don't understand what you want or need. Second, it doesn't matter how many image elements there are. The xpath "//IMAGE" will return an array of ALL "IMAGE" elements
The Pixel Developer

to stick a bit more with you original php code, you could try something like this:


$imagearr= array();
foreach ($xml->IMAGES->IMAGE as $image)
return $imagearr;
this code just returns only the first block of matches, only the images/ .
actually no - imagearr is an array which contains 3 sub arrays where the values are held