




Hi, I want to create a very simple RMI code which just share the desktop.

I have created my classes and also remote interface.in the Share class ,I have an execute method which will return the image of the client's desktop.but I don't know that how can I get that image ?or how can i store it? please help me,thanks.

Share class:

class Share implements Task<DesktopPaneUI>,Serializable{
public Share(){


public DesktopPaneUI execute() {



Task class:

public interface  Task<T> {

T execute();
+1  A: 
import java.awt.*
import java.awt.image.*

BufferedImage screenShot = new Robot().createScreenCapture(
        new Rectangle(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize())
Trevor Tippins
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Trevor Tippins