Is it possible to compile a library intended for Java with GCJ, get a dll and call from python ctypes?
I'm interested in toxilibs for now, but if anybody knows a toy example that would be great !
Is it possible to compile a library intended for Java with GCJ, get a dll and call from python ctypes?
I'm interested in toxilibs for now, but if anybody knows a toy example that would be great !
If you want Java-Python hooks, you'd be far better off using Jython and then calling across the boundary that way.
However, yes, it's possible to call an external library from Java; but you don't need GCJ to do that. Rather, you can just bring up a JVM instance inside your Python runtime and then invoke your method(s) for that.
Basically, you want to create your VM at startup, then invoke your method(s) whenever you want:
// Do this once per session, e.g. an __init__
JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, &env, &vm_args);
// When needed invoke
jclass cls =
env->FindClass("Example"); jmethodID
mid = env->GetStaticMethodID(cls,
"foo", "(I)V");
env->CallStaticVoidMethod(cls, mid,100);
You could write some simple C-wrapper code to invoke this for you from ctypes. However, the JavaVM is a structure of a structure with a number of void* pointers, so might ne non-trivial to do it directly.