



To update the location of a GPS indicator on mapView...

[mapView removeAnnotation:myGpsAnnotation];
[myGpsAnnotation release];
myGpsAnnotation = nil;
myGpsAnnotation = [[MapLocationAnnotation alloc] annotationType:MapAnnotationTypeGps title:MAP_ANNOTATION_TYPE_GPS];
[mapView addAnnotation:myGpsAnnotation];

...I see net memory slowly climbing in Instruments (simulator). No "Leak" blip, but "Net Bytes" and "# Net" slowly incrementing... unless this code is commented out. So I'm 100% certain this is the offending code.

BUT if I do the following...

[mapView removeAnnotation:myGpsAnnotation];
[myGpsAnnotation release];
myGpsAnnotation = nil;
myGpsAnnotation = [[MapLocationAnnotation alloc] annotationType:MapAnnotationTypeGps title:MAP_ANNOTATION_TYPE_GPS];
[mapView addAnnotation:myGpsAnnotation];
[mapView removeAnnotation:myGpsAnnotation];
[mapView addAnnotation:myGpsAnnotation];
[mapView removeAnnotation:myGpsAnnotation];
[mapView addAnnotation:myGpsAnnotation];

...then the "Net Bytes" and "# Net" increase much faster. Is it possible this isn't my mistake, and I'm trying to track down a leak in MapKit? Am I really leaking memory? Again, nothing appears under "Leaks", but then I don't see why Net values would be continually climbing.

Thanks for any help, -Gord



If you are observing this while testing on the simulator, don't worry. It seems that the map kit caches map tiles in memory when running on the simulator while on the device, it uses SQLite for storing map tiles and not the limited RAM on the device.



i'm interest to how you could do that, please if u have a peace of code could u paste it like we could learn also THX a lot for helping us......