




i have added new project in my workspace which is having 2 projects A and B respectively. now i have added third project C in build path as well as in project reference of A. i am using some package c.foo.* of C in Project A's test.jsp but while importing c.foo.* package i am getting error as Package not found. how i can access package c.foo.* of Project C in test.jsp of Project A ? i am using eclipse IDE


A Page not found error means entirely different: the request URL is plain wrong. If the import has actually failed, you would have gotten a compilation error. Are you sure that the URL is correct?

That said, raw Java code doesn't belong in JSP files. Use a Servlet for this. You can use doGet() to preprocess requests and doPost() to postprocess requests. In a Servlet class you can just import/write Java code the usual way without struggling with scriptlets.


Are the source folders in project C exported from that project's Java Build Path properties?
