I have begun testing django-modeltranslation and cannot seem to get my translation.py file recognized. Getting a "no translation.py found in the project directory" msg when running the sqlall command.
I have the following:
- modeltranslation residing in /Users/judy/project
- a project called andor in /Users/judy/project
- a translation.py in /Users/judy/project/andor
- a settings file for andor that includes the following pertinent items:
- modeltranslation included in INSTALLED_APPS list
- required languages included in the LANGUAGES list
- TRANSLATION_REGISTRY = 'andor.translation'
- PYTHONPATH that includes /Users/judy/project/andor
Thought this was it per directions included at this site: http://code.google.com/p/django-modeltranslation/wiki/InstallationAndUsage
Please advise.