I have a file that contains ~16,000 lines of information on entities. The user is supposed to upload the file using an HTML upload form, then the system handles this by reading line by line and creating then put()'ing entities onto the datastore.
I'm limited by the 30 second request time limit. I have tried a lot of different work-arounds using Task Queue, forced HTML redirecting, etc. and nothing has worked for me.
I am using forced HTML redirecting to delete all data and this works, albeit VERY slowly. (4th answer here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/108822/delete-all-data-for-a-kind-in-google-app-engine)
I can't seem to apply this to my uploading problem, since my method has to be a POST method. Is there a solution somehow? Sample code would be much appreciated since I'm very new to web development in general.