The LogMeIn API's "getSession" call is driving me a bit crazy. According to their documentation, you should be able to input an iNodeID either from the getHierarchy call or just the tech's ID# from the LogMeIn admin page and it will report their open session information, but no matter what I use, I get an error "stdClass Object ( [getSessionResult] => getSession_InvalaidParam_NodeID )" Has anyone ever seen this?
Here is my code:
$loginParams = array(
'sEmail' => *hidden*,
'sPassword' => *hidden*
$soapclient = new soapclient("");
$loginResult = $soapclient->login($loginParams);
$hierparams = array(""=>"");
$hierarchyResult = $soapclient->getHierarchy($hierparams);
$hierarchy = $hierarchyResult->aHierarchy;
$nodes = $hierarchy->HIERARCHY;
$numberofnodes = count($nodes);
echo "<table border =\"0\" cellspacing = \"5\">";
for ($iNodes = 0; $iNodes < $numberofnodes; $iNodes += 1)
if($nodes[$iNodes]->eStatus == "Online" && $nodes[$iNodes]->eType == "Technician"){
print_r("<td>Name: " . $nodes[$iNodes]->sName . "<br /></td>");
####This works
print_r("<td>ID: " . $nodes[$iNodes]->iNodeID . "<br /></td>");.
print_r("<td>Email: " . $nodes[$iNodes]->sEmail . "<br /></td>");
####This doesn't.
$sessioninfo = $soapclient->getSession($nodes[$iNodes]->iNodeID);
print_r("<td>Session Dump: ". print_r($sessioninfo) . "</td>");