I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around how to calculate the normal for a moving circle in a 2d space. I've gotten as far as that I'm suppose to calculate the Normal of the Velocity(Directional Speed) of the object, but that's where my college algebra mind over-heats, any I'm working with to 2d Circles that I have the centerpoint, radius, velocity, and position.
Ultimately I'm wanting to use the Vector2.Reflect Method to get a bit more realistic physics out of this exercise.
thanks ahead of time.
EDIT: Added some code trying out suggestion(with no avail), probably misunderstanding the suggestion. Here I'm using a basketball and a baseball, hence base and basket. I also have Position, and Velocity which is being added to position to create the movement.
if ((Vector2.Distance(baseMid, basketMid)) < baseRadius + basketRadius)
Vector2 baseNorm = basketMid - baseMid;
Vector2 basketNorm = baseMid - basketMid;
baseVelocity = Vector2.Reflect(baseVelocity, baseNorm);
basketVelocity = Vector2.Reflect(basketVelocity, basketNorm);
basePos.Y += baseVelocity.Y;
basePos.X += baseVelocity.X;
basketPos.Y += basketVelocity.Y;
basketPos.X += basketVelocity.X;
basketMid = new Vector2((basketballTex.Width / 2 + basketPos.X), (basketballTex.Height / 2 + basketPos.Y));
baseMid = new Vector2((baseballTex.Width / 2 + basePos.X), (baseballTex.Height / 2 + basePos.Y));