



Hi everyone...

i am trying to create a internet radio....

I use icecast2 for streaming..... edcast plugin with winamp to send the music to icecast... and the xspf web music player ( to connect the user to the icecast server and play the music....

The setup works great and i can broadcast and receive on the local network i use to test the radio.. using xampp...

Now the icecast broadcasts online from a windows server with the ip address say

The webpage in which the flash player is embedded is uploaded to

This domain has the same ip address from where the icecast server runs.

Now when i run the webpage to connect to the radio with the flash player, i get the error in firebug as

" 404 NOT FOUND"

But i have created a crossdomain.xml file in the root of the server... Still it doesn't recognize the file...

Can anyone tell me where exactly i should create the file for my setting...???

Thanks a lot in advance.....

+1  A: 

Could the server you are connecting to be blocking that port? Or perhaps, can you reconfigure the flash player to use port 80? (HTTP which should be open)

To be clear: what you have done should work, the crossdomain.xml should happily sit in the root of the server.

The only other option I can think of it so host the Flash player itself on the server (which has the crossdomain), then update the HTML to reference the SWF there. This might work - but I wouldn't hold my breath (not a Flash expert). Can you give that a try?

Rob Cooper
I checked it.. i can still connect to it manually... just not through the flash player...
I'm not familiar with flash... But the flash player is open source... Can you tell me how i can edit the flash player...?
If it's open source, and you know AS, then grab the source and hack away! (based on the fact that you said you are not familiar with flash, I would guess not) - Most open source projects have a "discussion/issues" page - have you tried contacting them?
Rob Cooper
Yup... i've tried.. but the forums are dead now... I've tried to "hack open" :) the fla file... But couldn't figure out what's inside to save my life....
Ok, so to be clear, you have tried changing the URL for the Flash to use port 80 (" and there is nothing in the documentation to say how to change it? I would be surprised if it didn't work on port 80 :SIf no joy, then I am not sure what else to recommend - it may be dead for a good reason (i.e not supporting standards) - Different Flash player? :( (no recommendations I'm afriad)
Rob Cooper
Many professional websites use this player... It's vouched for it's performance... The way i see it the player is configured to look for the xml in port and i can't figure out how to create the file in that place...
Hosting it on the root.. i'll try that now.... Thanks, Rob...