



In my WPF project I need to render HTML-based content, where the content is stored in a resource assembly referenced by my WPF project.

I have looked at the WPF Frame and WebBrowser controls. Unfortunately, they both only expose Navigation events (Navigating, Navigated), but not any events that would allow me, based on the requested URL, to return HTML content retrieved from the resource assembly.

I can intercept navigation requests and serve up HTML content using the Navigating event and the NavigateToString() method. But that doesn't work for intercepting load calls for images, CSS files, etc.

Furthermore, I am aware of an HTML to Flowdocument SDK sample application that might be useful, but I would probably have to extend the sample considerably to deal with images and style sheets.

For what it is worth, we also generate the HTML content to be rendered (via Wiki pages) so the source HTML is somewhat predictable (e.g., maybe no JavaScript) in terms for referenced image locations and CSS style sheets used. We are looking to display random HTML content from the internet.

Update: There is also the possibility to create an MHT file for each HTML page, which would 'inline' all images as MIME-types and alleviate the need to have finer-grained callbacks.