OK; it depends on the output you want - with XElement you'd need to do a bit of work to remove all the descendent nodes etc. However, it is actually quite simple with XmlDocument:
string xml = @"<xml><nodeA><nodeA1/><nodeA2/></nodeA><NodeB/></xml>";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlDocument clone = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement root = (XmlElement) clone.AppendChild(clone.CreateElement("xml"));
foreach(XmlElement el in doc.SelectNodes("//*")) {
root.AppendChild(clone.ImportNode(el, false));
<xml><xml /><nodeA /><nodeA1 /><nodeA2 /><NodeB /></xml>
Care to define "flatten" in this context? i.e. "before" and "after"?
XDocument has Descendants() and DescendantNodes() which might do the job...