Hi, is there any way that at first filter all files with the extension as "java" and then search for finding some files with that extension? can you explain with a snippet code?thanks
On Unix you can try find <dir> -name '*.java' -exec grep <search string> {} \;
2010-02-06 18:48:52
I suspect that her homework problem involves writing some Java code to do the work.
2010-02-06 18:49:40
www.betterthangrep.com - 'ack' is a more powerful code search tool than the above. Recommended.
Brian Agnew
2010-02-06 19:36:24
If you need to do this in Java, the easiest way is to use Apache Commons IO and in particular FileUtils.iterateFiles().
Having said that, if this is a homework question I doubt you'll get many marks for using the above. I suspect the purpose of the homework is to test your ability to write recursive routines (there's a clue there!) - not find 3rd party libraries (a valuable skill in itself, mind).
Brian Agnew
2010-02-06 18:53:05
I also vote for Apache Commons.
http://www.kodejava.org/examples/359.html gves a usage example:
package org.kodejava.example.commons.io;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class SearchFileRecursive {
public static void main(String[] args) {
File root = new File("/home/foobar/Personal/Examples");
try {
String[] extensions = {"xml", "java", "dat"};
boolean recursive = true;
// Finds files within a root directory and optionally its
// subdirectories which match an array of extensions. When the
// extensions is null all files will be returned.
// This method will returns matched file as java.io.File
Collection files = FileUtils.listFiles(root, extensions, recursive);
for (Iterator iterator = files.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
File file = (File) iterator.next();
System.out.println("File = " + file.getAbsolutePath());
} catch (Exception e) {
2010-02-06 19:29:00