




With JSR 311 and it's implementations we have a powerful standard for exposing Java objects via Rest. However on the client side there seems to be something missing that is comparable to Apache Axis for SOAP - something that hides the web service and marshals the data transparently back to Java objects.

How do you create Java RESTful clients? Using HTTPConnection and manual parsing of the result? Or specialized clients for e.g. Jersey or Apache CXR?

+2  A: 

I use Apache HTTPClient to handle all the HTTP side of things.

I write XML SAX parsers for the XML content that parses the XML into your object model. I believe that Axis2 also exposes XML -> Model methods (Axis 1 hid this part, annoyingly). XML generators are trivially simple.

It doesn't take long to code, and is quite efficient, in my opinion.

+7  A: 

As I mentioned in this thread I tend to use Jersey which implements JAX-RS and comes with a nice REST client. The nice thing is if you implement your RESTful resources using JAX-RS then the Jersey client can reuse the entity providers such as for JAXB/XML/JSON/Atom and so forth - so you can reuse the same objects on the server side as you use on the client side unit test.

For example here is a unit test case from the Apache Camel project which looks up XML payloads from a RESTful resource (using the JAXB object Endpoints). The resource(uri) method is defined in this base class which just uses the Jersey client API.


    clientConfig = new DefaultClientConfig();
    client = Client.create(clientConfig);

    resource = client.resource("http://localhost:8080");
    // lets get the XML as a String
    String text = resource("foo").accept("application/xml").get(String.class);

BTW I hope that future version of JAX-RS add a nice client side API along the lines of the one in Jersy

James Strachan
+3  A: 

You can also check Restlet which has full client-side capabilities, more REST oriented that lower-level libraries such as HttpURLConnection or Apache HTTP Client (which we can leverage as connectors).

Best regards, Jerome Louvel

Jerome Louvel
+1  A: 

Just found Apache Wink in the Apache Incubator. Could be a interesting project for creating REST servers and clients.


You could try http://code.google.com/p/rapa/. Let us know your feedback about the same. Also feel free to log issues or expected features.

+2  A: 

You can use the standard Java SE APIs:

private void updateCustomer(Customer customer) { 
    try { 
        URL url = new URL("http://www.example.com/customers"); 
        HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); 
        connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/xml"); 

        OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream(); 
        jaxbContext.createMarshaller().marshal(customer, os); 

    } catch(Exception e) { 
        throw new RuntimeException(e); 

Or you can use the REST client APIs provided by JAX-RS implementations such as Jersey. These APIs are easier to use, but require additional jars on your class path.

WebResource resource = client.resource("http://www.example.com/customers"); 
ClientResponse response = resource.type("application/xml");).put(ClientResponse.class, "<customer>...</customer."); 
Blaise Doughan