



On the front page of my rap lyrics explanation site, there's a place where users can try explaining a challenging line:

alt text

Here's the partial I use to generate this:

<div class="stand_alone annotation" data-id="<%= %>">
  <%= song_link(, :class => :title) %>

  <span class="needs_exegesis"><%= annotation.referent.strip.gsub(/\n/, "\n <br />") %></span>

  <% form_for =>, :created_by_id => current_user.try(:id), :email_address => current_user.try(:email)), :url => feedback_index_path, :live_validations => true do |f| %>
    <%= f.hidden_field :annotation_id %>
    <%= f.hidden_field :created_by_id %>
    <p style="margin-top: 1em">
        <%= f.text_area :body, :rows => 4, :style => 'width:96%', :example_text => "Enter your explanation" %>
      <% if current_user %>
        <%= f.hidden_field :email_address %>
      <% else %>
        <%= f.text_field :email_address, :example_text => "Your email address" %>
      <% end %>
      <%= f.submit "Submit", :class => :button, :style => 'margin-left: .1em;' %>
  <% end %>

However, putting more than one of these on a single page is problematic because Rails automatically gives each form an ID of new_feedback, and each field an ID like feedback_body (leading to name collisions)

Obviously I could add something like :id => '' to the form and all its fields, but this seems a tad repetitive. What's the best way to do this?

+1  A: 

I had this same issue on a site I'm currently working on and went with the solution you mention at the bottom. It's not repetitive if you generate the ID programmatically and put the whole form in a partial. For example, on my site, I have multiple "entries" per page, each of which has two voting forms, one to vote up and one to vote down. The record ID for each entry is appended to the DOM ID of its vote forms to make it unique, like so (just shows the vote up button, the vote down button is similar):

<% form_for [entry,], :html => { :id => 'new_up_vote_' + } do |f| -%>
  <%= f.hidden_field :up_vote, :value => 1, :id => 'vote_up_vote_' + %>
  <%= image_submit_tag('/images/icon_vote_up.png', :id => 'vote_up_vote_submit' +, :class => 'vote-button vote-up-button') %>
<% end -%>
Jimmy Cuadra
+2  A: 

Did you consider nested_attributes for rails models? Instead of having multiple new feedback forms where each is tied to an annotation, you could have multiple edit annotation forms where each annotation includes fields for a new feedback. The id's of the generated forms would include the annotations id such as edit_annotation_16.

The annotation model would have a relationship to its feedbacks and will also accept nested attributes for them.

class Annotation < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :feedbacks
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :feedbacks

class Feedback < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :annotation

You could then add as many forms as you want, one for each annotation. For example, this is what I tried:

<% form_for @a do |form| %>
    Lyrics: <br />
    <%= form.text_field :lyrics %><br />
    <% form.fields_for :feedbacks do |feedback| %>
        Feedback: <br/>
        <%= feedback.text_field :response %><br />
    <% end %>
    <%= form.submit "Submit" %>
<% end %>

<% form_for @b do |form| %>
    Lyrics: <br />
    <%= form.text_field :lyrics %><br />
    <% form.fields_for :feedbacks do |feedback| %>
        Feedback: <br/>
        <%= feedback.text_field :response %><br />
    <% end %>
    <%= form.submit "Submit" %>
<% end %>

And the quick and dirty controller for the above edit view:

class AnnotationsController < ApplicationController
  def edit
    @a = Annotation.find(1)
    @b = Annotation.find(2)

  def update
    @annotation = Annotation.find(params[:id])
    render :index