If the Name attribute of the nodes to be removed can be matched using a simple pattern, the following should work:
Dim SchemaDoc As New XDocument(<Root><Group Name="Foo"/><Group Name="Node1"/>
<Group Name="Node2"/><Group name="Bar"/></Root>)
Dim NodesToRemove = From Element In SchemaDoc.<Root>.<Group> Where _
Element.@Name Like "NotNode?"
For Each XNode In NodesToRemove.ToArray()
Do note the use of ToArray() in the enumeration of NodesToRemove: you'll need this to force evaluation of the XQuery prior to starting to modify the collection it's based on.
If this won't work, here's an alternative to using LINQ (as originally I thought that inserting 'not' into LINQ queries wouldn't work, but I was set straight by another answer -- you learn something new every day...):
Dim NodesToRemove As New Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of XNode)
For Each Element In SchemaDoc.<Root>.<Group>
If Not BasicGroups.Contains(Element.@Name) Then
End If
Performance should be pretty much identical to using LINQ.