easy to bundle, few dependencies, easy to use
There are lots of editors that will highlight: Eclipse, Vi, Emacs, etc
What are you trying to do? For source code, the editor will highlight for you you don't need a special library
2008-10-21 11:54:20
He's probably trying to write code to highlight source code in Java. He does not specify which languages though.
Vinko Vrsalovic
2008-10-21 11:57:15
Do you want to highlight Java code or use a Java lib to highlight some other code?
I use these two: https://jhighlight.dev.java.net/ (server-side) for xml and http://code.google.com/p/syntaxhighlighter/ (js lib) for other stuff. The latter has something called 'brushes' which are "pluggable" .js for several langauges. If you are doing simple highlighting, I recommend the ,js approach.
Miguel Ping
2008-10-21 11:58:15