OK!! I built a game that grabs a tileSheet (bitmap image) and some xml files from an outside source (not from the library). Turns out that this is a bad idea if I want to post my game on most sites. Cause majority sites only give me ability to load a single file. NOW, I need to figure an alternative.
I tried doing the cross-domain thing but that is a pain cause I am running into some security issues in which I do not know how to get by. I made a seperate post for that issue, with my code in it. But now I need to know if there is some better hope.
It makes sense that maybe I could load a bitmap image from the library. If anyone know's how then please do so share. But What about the xml situation ?? am I pretty much screwed when it comes to that ?? Is it impossible to build a game that reads an xml file and bitmap images from a single file ??