



I have a website running using Zend Framework and am trying to setup Zend Debugger. Zend Debugger is installed and it works correctly with the tutorial PHP pages however when I try debugging with my app, it will work for the index page but then the debugger will terminate.

I am running Apache2.2 with PHP 5.3.

I have a virtual host setup - that points to index.php so I'm not using http://localhost/mysite


There is a sticky note in the Zend Forum dealing with Setting Up Zend Debugger.

If the information in the article won't help, try to be more specific about your setup. My guess is you're missing dummy.php in your ZF project, but there is really not enough information about your setup in the question to say for sure.


I had just installed Apache 2 on Ubuntu and it turns out that mod_rewrite is not enabled by default. I needed to do "sudo a2enmod rewrite" and now the debugger seems to work properly.

Matt McCormick