The problem I am having is when the
context goes away such as the user
pressing the back button or the
Activity finishing for some reason.
This causes my application to crash
You will also get this, by default, if the user changes screen orientation, as the original activity is destroyed and a new one created.
I tried using getApplicationContext()
(Thinking that this would be available
throughout my entire application) but
this did not work, ever - instead my
application crashed!
The application context is useless from the standpoint of manipulating the UI.
So...what is the bast way to handle this?
In the end, what you need is for your thread to deliver an event to the right activity. Some techniques that people have used include:
- Use a listener pattern (e.g., service manages the thread, activities register and unregister listeners with the service, thread invokes the listeners on key events)
- Put the "current" instance of the activity in a static data member, which the thread uses to find out which one should be used (dangerous due to memory leaks and fails if you need multiple instances)
- Limit background threads to ones that cache data, which the activity pulls (e.g., via polling) as needed