



what could be the possible reason that my ruby script is not being called successfully?

note that when i manually execute the post-commit script like so:

/var/svn/eweds/hooks/post-commit /var/svn/eweds 151

works just fine, the way my ruby sript is called in the post-commit script is like this:

ruby /home/pmind/public_html/eweds/script/svn.rb "$REPOS" "$REV"

So i'm actually stumped why manually calling the hook script works but it doesn't when its actually executed when a user does an actual commit.

note that I know the hook-script is being called. my ruby sript is however not being executed successfully.

also note that the svn is started as root, the post-commit script is root too and the ruby script permissions is already set to 777.


Specify the full path to the ruby interpreter instead of simply ruby.

Simone Carletti
hey guys thanks! I'm making some progress, now i get an error. Perhaps i need to set a home path? In my bash profile? but when i did this: echo $HOME, i get a path, which is my home path. any ideas? - --------------------------------------------------------Warning: 'post-commit' hook failed with error output: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.3.2/lib/rails_generator/lookup.rb:35:in `expand_path': couldn't find HOME environment -- expanding `~' (ArgumentError) from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.3.2/lib/rails_generator/lookup.rb:35:in `user_home'