I am new to ColdFusion and ColdBox (and programming). I tried to setup ColdBox but some of the links in the sample applications are broken.
My configuration is a GlassFish v3 installation with the current Railo OSS. I access my site through Apache 2.2.14.
So instead of
I access my environment trough http://railo/
In Railo I have a webroot mapping /
to C:/webapps/myproject/
I have copied the current ColdBox 3M4 to C:/webapps/myproject/coldbox
. I can access the dashboard through http://railo/coldbox/dashboard/index.cfm
and have access to all options.
My problems start the moment I try to open the sample gallery:
HTTP Status 500 -
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented
it from fulfilling this request.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\webapps\viss-dev\coldbox\samples
(Zugriff verweigert)
note The full stack traces of the exception and its root causes are
available in the GlassFish v3 logs.
GlassFish v3
OK, no problem, just enter the link directly: http://railo/coldbox/samples/index.cfm
The site looks plain, who cares - BUT all local links look like this:
is replaced with
Looks like trouble. To make my confusion perfect: when I try to access the login app: http://railo/coldbox/samples/applications/sampleloginapp/index.cfm
and hit the submit button, I am redirected to this address: http://railo/railo/coldbox/samples/applications/sampleloginapp/index.cfm
I believe that this is not really ColdBox-related, but it manifests itself when I try to use ColdBox, so here I am.
P.S.: amazon.de takes too long to ship the ColdBox book :(