This is one solution, from DjangoSnippets; btw, not sure why the code below doesn't use urlparse; but that could be fixed :-)
(Looking at the other answers, it seems you have plenty of options to choose from. This option may not be preferred because it relies on a free 3rd party service.)
from urllib2 import urlopen, Request
import re, socket
from django.conf import settings
domain_re = re.compile('^(http|https):\/\/?([^\/]+)')
domain = domain_re.match(settings.SITE_URL).group(2)
def getUserCountry(ip):
url = "" + ip + "?" + domain
headers = {'Typ':'django','Ver':'1.1.1','Connection':'Close'}
req = Request(url, None, headers)
urlfile = urlopen(req)
land =
return land[:2]
except Exception:
return "XX"
Note from WIPmania: "Using API is free for any purpose, personal or business, if you are making fewer than 10.000 requests per calendar day. A simple yet powerful API allowing you to query the WorldIP database with a single link."