It is not recommended to modify PHP configuration files via your application, you should use CSV files or a database table.
In case you want to save it in a CSV file then I suggest you keep a CSV file for each configuration type (e.g CSV file for database configurations) and always overwrite the previous one using file_put_contents
Save data example:
$csvStructure = array("dbUser","dbPassword","dbHostname","dbPort"); // array used for both loading data and saving it
$csvData = array();
foreach ($csvStructure as $field) {
$csvData[] = $_POST[$field]; // so it'd get $_POST["dbUser"],$_POST["dbPasword"], etc..
Load data example:
$csvStructure = array("dbUser","dbPassword","dbHostname","dbPort"); // array used for both loading data and saving it
$dbConfig = array();
$csvData = explode("\t",file_get_contents("filename"));
foreach ($csvStructure as $key => $field) { // $key would have the location of the requested field in our CSV data (0,1,2, etc..).
$dbConfig[$field] = $csvData[$key]; // populate $dbConfig["dbUser"],$dbConfig["dbPasword"], etc..