The project I'm working on requires me to write lots of repetitive code. For example, if I want to load a image file called "logo.png" in my code, I would write something like this: Bitmap logoImage;
// Init
logoImage = load("logo.png")
// Usage
logoImage.draw(0, 0);
// Cleanup
Having to write this code to use every new image is a pain, including having to specify that logoImage should load the file "logo.png".
As I'm working on a Java Android game and images are used a lot in inner loops, I really want to avoid slow things like making virtual function calls and e.g. accessing arrays/maps/object fields when I can avoid it. Copying an idea from the Android API (the generated R class), I thought I could run a utility before compiling to generate some of this repetitive code for me. For example, the actual code in the project file would be reduced to just this:
logoImage.draw(0, 0);
Using some command-line tools (e.g. grep, sed), I can look for every instance of "Image.draw(..." and then generate the other required code automatically i.e. code to load/release the file .png and declare "Bitmap logoImage" somewhere. This code could either be added to a new class or I could add placeholders in my code that told the code generator where to insert the generated code.
To display a new image, all I would need to do is just copy the image file to the right directory and add one line of code. Nice and simple. This avoid approaches like creating an array of images, defining labelled int constants to references the array and having to specify which filename to load.
Is this a really bad idea? It seems a bit of a hack but I can see no easier way of doing this and it does seem to drastically clean up my code. Are there any standard tools for doing this simple kind of code generation (i.e. the tool doesn't need to understand the meaning of the code)? Does anyone else do things like this to make up for language features?