





I want to make a multidimensional array in php. Here is what i have done:

Firstly, i have 3 tables:


enterprise_id         name
1                      e1
2                      e2


site_id              entreprise_id             name
1                       1                     e1_site1
2                       2                     e2_site1


salarie_id           site_id                   name
1                       1                    e1_site1_salarie1
2                       2                    e2_site1_salarie1

I have the following PHP code:

$query = "select * from entreprise";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){

    $query2 = "select * from site where entreprise_id = $row[entreprise_id]";
    $result2 = mysql_query($query2);
    $a2 = array();
    while($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)){

        $query3 = "select * from salarie where site_id = $row2[site_id]";
        $result3 = mysql_query($query3);

        while($row3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result3)){
            $a3[] = array("text"=>$row3[nom]);

        $a2[] = array("text"=>$row2[nom],'children'=>$a3);
        $a1[] = array("text"=>$row[id]." ".$row[nom],'children'=>$a2);

But you can see the ouput is mixed. For example, the 'e1_site1_salarie1_nom' is in 'e1_site2', the 'e1_site1_salarie1_nom' is under 'e2_site2'. It's strange.

    [0] => Array
            [text] =>  e1
            [children] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [text] => e1_site1
                            [children] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [text] => e1_site1_salarie1_nom



                    [1] => Array
                            [text] => e1_site2
                            [children] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [text] => e1_site1_salarie1_nom

                                    [1] => Array
                                            [text] => e1_site2_sa1

                                    [2] => Array
                                            [text] => e1_site2_sa2





    [1] => Array
            [text] =>  e2
            [children] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [text] => e2_site2
                            [children] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [text] => e1_site1_salarie1_nom

                                    [1] => Array
                                            [text] => e1_site2_sa1

                                    [2] => Array
                                            [text] => e1_site2_sa2

                                    [3] => Array
                                            [text] => e2_site2_salarie2_nom






I think it's the problem of my php code. I think i should use more conditional judgement such as if else etc with the following code.

        $a2[] = array("text"=>$row2[nom],'children'=>$a3);

        $a1[] = array("text"=>$row[id]." ".$row[nom],'children'=>$a2);

But I don't know how to change it.

Do you have any clue or suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


Following Tatu's suggestion, it works. Thanks Tatu. Now i have one more question. I don't want the [1] => Array in the header of the arrays. How to achieve that?

    [1] => Array
            [text] => e1
            [children] => Array
                    [1] => Array
                            [text] => e1_site1
                            [children] => Array
                                    [1] => e1_site1_salarie1_nom


                    [3] => Array
                            [text] => e1_site2
                            [children] => Array
                                    [3] => e1_site2_sa1
                                    [4] => e1_site2_sa2




    [2] => Array
            [text] => e2
            [children] => Array
                    [2] => Array
                            [text] => e2_site2
                            [children] => Array
                                    [2] => e2_site2_salarie2_nom





You can see the json code:


I want the result to be like this:

I would roll the entire database interaction into one query and then just use that to populate the array as you require it.  That would be ..

    $query = 'SELECT e.enterprise_id,'.
                    'e.name as enterprise,'.
                    's.name as site,'.
                    'sa.name as salarie '.
             'FROM enterprise e,'.
                  'site s,'.
                  'salarie sa '
             'WHERE e.enterprise.id=s.enterprise.id'.
             'AND sa.site_id=s.site_id';
  $result =
mysql_query($query); while($row =
     = $row['salarie'];

That solution, of course, requires that both enterprise and site name are unique, too -- otherwise, you would have to use the ids as index and only map to the names later.

Konrad Neuwirth
The problem in your answer is that this will only save the value of salarie in the array, whereas OP asked for a solution that would also store all intermediary values.
Tatu Ulmanen
+1  A: 

Don't do nested queries, they are completely unnecessary and only slow things down. Get the values first and combine them later. This might work:

$enterprise_q = mysql_query("select * from entreprise");
$site_q = mysql_query("select * from site");
$salarie_q = mysql_query("select * from salarie");

$result = array();

$enterprise = array();
$site = array();
$salarie = array();

# Now loop through the results 'top down',
# starting from salaries and indexing by site_id.
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($salarie_q)) {
    # Initialize variables properly
    if(!is_array($salarie[$row['site_id']])) {
        $salarie[$row['site_id']] = array();

    $salarie[$row['site_id']][$row['salarie_id']] = $row['name'];

# Loop through sites, store sites and associated salaries by enterprise_id
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($site_q)) {
    if(!is_array($site[$row['enterprise_id']])) {
        $site[$row['enterprise_id']] = array();

    $site[$row['enterprise_id']][$row['site_id']] = array(
        'name' => $row['name'],
        'salarie' => $salarie[$row['site_id']]

# Loop through enterprises and gather all site data
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($enterprice_q)) {
    if(!is_array($enterprise[$row['enterprise_id']])) {
        $enterprise[$row['enterprise_id']] = array();

    $enterprise[$row['enterprise_id']] = array(
        'name' => $row['name'],
        'sites' => $site[$row['enterprise_id']];

This is not an optimal way to handle it, but it is better than your current. This should result in an array something like this:

$enterprise = array(
    1 => array(
        'name' => 'e1',
        'sites' => array(
            1 => array(
                'name' => 'e1_site1',
                'salarie' => array(
                    1 => 'e1_site1_salarie1',
                    1 => 'e1_site1_salarie2',
                    1 => 'e1_site1_salarie3'
            2 => array(
                'name' => 'e1_site2',
                'salarie' => array(
                    1 => 'e1_site2_salarie1',
                    1 => 'e1_site2_salarie2'
    2 => array(
        'name' => 'e2',
        'sites' => array(
            1 => array(
                'name' => 'e2_site1',
                'salarie' => array(
                    1 => 'e2_site1_salarie1'

Which should be what you're looking for. I haven't tested this so don't expect it to work on first try, but this should at least give you some ideas.

Tatu Ulmanen
@Tatu UImanen, you're Genius!!! It works. Thanks very much. ;)