



I'm trying to use the Zimbra SOAP API from Python to programmatically modify & cleanup my contacts but I'm having trouble getting started.

What I have so far is:

from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy
url = 'https://zimbra/service/soap'
auth = {"account": "xxxxx", "password": "xxxxx"}

zimbra = SOAPProxy(url, 'urn:zimbra')
zimbraAuth = SOAPProxy(url, "urn:zimbraAccount")
zimbraMail = SOAPProxy(url, "urn:zimbraMail")

response = zimbraAuth.AuthRequest(**auth)
authToken = response.authToken 

I've logged in successfully, but can't pass this authToken in further requests.

My understanding is that any zimbraMail requests need to have a header in the urn:zimbra namespace with the authToken set there, but being new to SOAP I have no idea how to do so.

I'm not married to using SOAPpy so any example code for another library would be well appreciated.


Hi MikeyB. Did you have any success with SUDS? I'm also quite new to SOAP and I couldn't figure out how to rewrite your SOAPPy example in SUDS. For example, how to pass the urn?

Heh... not yet. I got busy with something else before I could actually dive into it. (BTW, your answer should be a comment)
ok, I'll keep trying and share my findings here if I have any success. You're right about the comment, sorry about that.