Complex question I assume, but studying OWL opened a new perspective to live, the universe and everything. I'm going philosophical here.
I am trying to achieve a class C which is subclass of B which in turn is subclass of C. Just for fun, you know...
So here it is
>>> class A(object): pass
>>> class B(A): pass
>>> class C(B): pass
>>> B.__bases__
(<class '__main__.A'>,)
>>> B.__bases__ = (C,)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: a __bases__ item causes an inheritance cycle
clearly, python is smart and forbids this. However, in OWL it is possible to define two classes to be mutual subclasses. The question is: what is the mind boggling explanation why this is allowed in OWL (which is not a programming language) and disallowed in programming languages ?