I'm doing an ongoing survey, every quarter. We get people to sign up (where they give extensive demographic info).
Then we get them to answer six short questions with 5 possible values much worse, worse, same, better, much better.
Of course over time we will not get the same participants,, some will drop out and some new ones will sign up,, so I'm trying to decide how to best build a db and code (hope to use Python, Numpy?) to best allow for ongoing collection and analysis by the various categories defined by the initial demographic data..As of now we have 700 or so participants, so the dataset is not too big. I.E.; demographic, UID, North, south, residential. commercial Then answer for 6 questions for Q1 Same for Q2 and so on,, then need able to slice dice and average the values for the quarterly answers by the various demographics to see trends over time.
The averaging, grouping and so forth is modestly complicated by having differing participants each quarter
Any pointers to design patterns for this sort of DB? and analysis? Is this a sparse matrix?