Here is an example of the data set I am working with. I am trying to write a query that will allow me to request a row from the items table, and display the User Name from the users table in place of the user ids:
Table 1 - users table
User ID | User Name
12 | Fred
13 | Ted
14 | Ned
Table 2 - items Table
Item ID | Submitted User | Assigned User
234 | 12 | 14
345 | 12 | 13
456 | 14 | 12
This is as far as I can get, which returns one properly labled username:
SELECT users.[user name] AS [Submitted User] FROM items
JOIN users ON items.[Assigned User] = users.[User ID]
WHERE items.[Item ID] = '234'
The problem with this is that while ONE field works, I need to get both the submitted user AND the assigned user. I am trying to do it in one query... I have a feeling it can be done but I just don't know exactly how. If I try to assign the fields more than once I get an error about correlation. Here is an example of what I tried that gives a correlation error:
SELECT users.[user name] AS [Submitted User], users.[user name] AS [Assigned User] FROM items
JOIN users ON items.[Submitted User] = users.[User ID]
JOIN users ON items.[Assigned User] = users.[User ID]
WHERE items.[Item ID] = '234'
This is exactly what I'm trying to do:
items[Submitted User].users.[user name] AS [Reported User],
items[Assigned User].users.[user name] AS [Assigned User]
WHERE items.[Item ID] = '234'</pre>
This is the response I'm trying to get:
Submitted User | Assigned user
Fred - Ted