



Are there any requirements management plugins out there for Trac? I checked the list on Trac-Hacks and didn't see anything

I'm picturing some functionality like IBM's DOORS system. Basic features include revisioning and change control of requirements, requirements baselining etc.

Update: I suppose I could just use the wiki portion of Trac to document requirements, but this doesn't allow anykind of change sets for the requirements - for example where a single requirement has changed but developers are working against a baseline where the requirement hasn't been updated yet. It also won't allow linking requirements such that when a parent requirement changes, all dependent requirements must be reviewed before the change is accepted (in order to keep dependent requirements in sync).

+1  A: 

When you start talking about revisioning of your requirements, I think you really need to step back and look at your requirements as part of your source tree. Find a file format for the requirements that an SCM can handle (text-based, etc), and just check them in. Treat them as the early part of your code... when it's time to figure out what the requirements will be for v2.0, create your v2.0 branch and develop the requirements on that branch, and follow it with your code development on that same branch.

If you use branch-based development, create the requirements on the branch, create the code on the same branch, and then merge the branch. That keeps requirements and implementation in sync.

Not a bad idea. And I have thought about using SCM for requirements. However, not all users creating requirements have the technical ability to use SCM software. In particular business analysts.
Some of them will have the technical ability to use it; some will have the intelligence and willingness to learn to use it; and others... I'd assign a "secretary" to them to handle it for them. (Instead of handling the typing, handle the SCM.) Something like webDAV so you could point them to a "network drive" _might_ provide a partial technical solution for them, but it has its own quirks.
+1  A: 

@retracile: thanks for this "how to". I just discovered rmtoo which does text based requirements management... and btw, looking back to it, it has also VCS integration features and, as Trac, is written in Python.

+1 for the link to something interesting. I'll check it out.