



Question: I get an annoying error: I try to use the type Size in the below actionscript code. But I always get this error:
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Size.
But no matter what I try, it seems to break when I add
public function get Size():Size
Somehow it doesn't like the return type Size, but what am I doing wrong ?

package BaseTypes
    public class StockData 
        private var size:Size;
        public function get Size():Size
            return this.size;
        public function set Size(value:Size):void
            this.size = value;
    } // End Class
}// End Package

I have the bellow code in folder BaseTypes, and it is in the AS3 class path.

package BaseTypes
    public class Size  
        private var width:Number;
        private var height:Number;
        public function Size(width:Number, height:Number)
            this.width = width;
            this.height = height;
        public function get Width():Number
            return this.width;
        public function set Width(value:Number):void
            this.width = value;
        public function get Height():Number
            return this.height;
        public function set Height(value:Number):void
            this.height = value;
        public function toString():String
            return "{width: " +this.width.toString()+ " height: " +this.height.toString() + "}";
    } // End Class
} // End package

Add following to your StockData imports as Size belongs to different package.
import BaseTypes.Size;
If you are using Flash IDE, then add the directory containing your BaseType package to ClassPath.

I did, but that doesn't help. Same error persists.
can you elaborate on your directory structure and class path variable? If possible little bit more code will do good to understand the problem.
they're both in the same package, so how should that help?
+5  A: 

You have named your getter function the same as the class you imported, I think this is the source of your error.

in your StockData class you have the definition

public function get Size():Size

you should rename "Size" to either "size" or something that is not the same name as the class you imported.

+2  A: 

Les pointed out the problem. The following will work:

class StockData 
    private var _size:Size;
    public function get size():Size { return _size; }

    public function set size(value:Size):void {
        _size = value;

unlike in C# where PascalCase is used for everything, by convention in AS3, people use UpperCamelCase for classes and interfaces and lowerCamelCase for about everything else (ALL_CAPS for global constants and under_scores for package names). as you can see, the AS3 compiler cannot resolve the duplicate meaning of Size. This is obviously a compiler flaw, but I wouldn't wait until Adobe fixes it. However using said convention, you can eliminate such ambiguities. also: private/internal/protected vars are generally prefixed by _ or $ to avoid collision with accessors.

If you're using FlashDevelop, I suggest you use Ctrl+M to jump to matching braces (no need to mark // End Class). If you're not, I heavily suggest, you give it a try ... ;)


