



I try to create a short perl command that creates SQL inserts for my DB based on a text file. However, I am not able to get in the single-quotes used by SQL

perl -pe '$i += 1; chomp; @a = split /\t/; $_ = "INSERT INTO XYZ VALUES($i, \'$a[4]\');\n"'

results in a syntax error near unexpected token `)'

Any ideas?


Found a work-around by using a | for all single-quote and then in a second perl call replacing this | by a single quote (perl -pe "s/\|/'/g")

perl -pe '$i += 1; chomp; @a = split /\t/; $_ = "INSERT INTO XYZ VALUES($i, |$a[4]|, |$a[5]|, |$a[7]|, |$a[0]|, |$a[1]|, |$a[3]|);\n"' | perl -pe "s/\|/'/g"

Still interested in a better solution.

+3  A: 
perl -pe '$i += 1; chomp; @a = split /\t/; $_ = "INSERT INTO XYZ VALUES($i, \047$a[4]\047);\n";'
Didn't know about that!
+2  A: 

You need to escape them for the shell, not for Perl. This requires a slightly different syntax. Assuming you're running this under bash, ksh, or similar, then

perl -e 'print "greengrocer'\''s\n"'

should print greengrocer's.

Alternatively, you could insert the character as a hex escape sequence:

perl -e 'print "greengrocer\x27s\n"'
+1  A: 

perl -pe "\$i += 1; chomp; @a = split /\t/; \$_ = \"INSERT INTO XYZ VALUES(\$i, '\$a[4]');\n\""

From this page it states for BASH: "A single quote may not occur between single quotes, even when preceded by a backslash.". So use double quotes instead and escape as necessary.

double quotes do not fit the needs. because there are double quotes in the inserted strings.
Did you even try running this? You will find that the double quotes come out as you expect.
If you're going to quote your string with double-quotes, it's easier to use Perl's qq() syntax for double-quoted strings: qq( ... ) is equivalent to " ... "
Adrian Pronk
+1  A: 

Use the technique @Porculus suggested in his answer:

perl -pe '$i += 1; chomp; @a = split /\t/; $_ = "INSERT INTO XYZ VALUES($i, '\''$a[4]'\'');\n";'

This closes the single-quoted string just before the single quote, then uses an escaped single-quote, then opens a new single-quoted string.

The beauty of this technique is that you can automate it:

sed -e "s/'/'\\\\''/g" -e "s/^/'/" -e "s/$/'/" <<'EOF'
$i += 1; chomp; @a = split /\t/; $_ = "INSERT INTO XYZ VALUES($i, '$a[4]');\n";

resulting a properly-quoted string you can paste on to the command line :

'$i += 1; chomp; @a = split /\t/; $_ = "INSERT INTO XYZ VALUES($i, '\''$a[4]'\'');\n";'

Or you can make a shell-script for it:

$ cat > quotify
sed -e "s/'/'\\\\''/g" -e "s/^/'/" -e "s/$/'/"
$ chmod +x quotify
$ ./quotify
$i += 1; chomp; @a = split /\t/; $_ = "INSERT INTO XYZ VALUES($i, '$a[4]');\n";
'$i += 1; chomp; @a = split /\t/; $_ = "INSERT INTO XYZ VALUES($i, '\''$a[4]'\'');\n";'

(The above sed firstly replaces each ' with '\'' then puts a ' at the front and back.

Adrian Pronk