



I made a Editable Combo box using the following code

<asp:TextBox ID="textbox" runat="server" Width="75px" Style="position: absolute;" />
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddl" runat="server" Width="95px" AppendDataBoundItems="true">
<asp:ListItem Text="" />

And I create a javascript for onChange of the dropdown and show the selected text in textbox. My issue is when I running on IE6 the textbox is not showing and i read from Google that it is an issue with IE6. Is there any method to work the position: absolute;?

I have also a gridview which is inside a and I set the overflow: auto; of to show the scrollbars. Its is also not working in IE6?

Please give me some solutions to overcome these?


You could maybe try setting an explicit width on your TextBox's parent element (the element that you've positioned relatively): I've found in the past that any left, top, right or bottom values for positioning elements absolutely have been way off in IE 6 unless I've set the positioned parent's width.

Ian Oxley

Disclaimer: not a solution, but a workaround

Use the almighty JQuery UI Autocomplete Widget instead (View the comboBox demo).
You gain multi-browser support and your solution look less hacky.

alt text

Eduardo Molteni