



if i've got a line of links like:

 <a>foobar</a><a>foobar</a><a>foobar</a><a id="center">foobar</a><a>foobar</a>

but one of them got an id="center", could i with javascript or css position it in the center?

+3  A: 

If you mean DOM-locality...

You could have to actually manipulate the DOM via scripting. My guess is that you would need to have a way to reference all of these links, by a container or a common classname. Then divide the total number of links by 2, inserting the center link at that particular index.

 var bodyLinks = $("body a");
 var halfPoint = Math.floor(Number(bodyLinks.length/2)-1);
 $("body a:eq("+halfPoint+")").after($("#center"));

Online demo:

If you mean CSS-placement:

<p><!-- padleft -->link1 link2 link3 **link4** link5 link6
                               link1 **link2** link3 link4 link5 link6
       link1 link2 link3 link4 link5 **link6**

This solution is a bit premature, and could benefit from some further development. Essentially I placed the links within a paragraph. I then calculated the total width of all elements preceding the special-link (our center link) and used it to figure a padding-left for the containing paragraph tag.

  var elWidth = $("#center").width();
  var elOffset = $("#center").offset().left;
  var wnWidth = $("body").width();
  var sibWidths = 0;

    sibWidths = sibWidths + $(this).width();

  var gutter = ((wnWidth-elWidth)/2)-sibWidths;

  $("body p:first").css({paddingLeft:gutter});


Online demo:

Jonathan Sampson
my fault. my description wasnt clear. i want the element order to be the same. but now in Firefox the row starts from the left. so center tag wont be in the center of the webbrowser. i wonder if i could have the whole row positioned so that the center tag is in the center.
@noname: Please see my addition regarding padding of a container.
Jonathan Sampson
it worked great. thanks! do you know how to fix this one: i need the left side to be outside the div that the center tag will be in the center. now i used the other answer here in the same thread..but using your will show the same result..
btw..i solved it with your javascript code..:)
+1  A: 

Your question leaves out a few details, but this might be close to what you're after:

    position: "absolute",
    left: function () { 
        return (this.offsetParent.offsetWidth - this.offsetWidth) / 2 + "px";
I was thinking something like that as well, but I think you end up losing your ordering. I might be assuming too much, but I bet the link order is important here.
Rob Lund
@rob lund. you are right. i want the row to be as it is..the same order
+1  A: 

UPDATED: Here's another take:

    <style type="text/css">
            width: 49%;
        .right {
            width: 49%;
        .middle {
            width: 2%;
        td div {
            overflow: hidden;

            <td class="left"><div><a>left 1</a><a>left 2</a><a>left 3</a><a>left 4</a><a>left 5</a><a>left 6</a><a>left 7</a><a>left 8</a></div></td>
            <td class="middle"><a>center</a></td>
            <td class="right"><div><a>right 1</a><a>right 2</a><a>right 3</a><a>right 4</a><a>right 5</a><a>right 6</a></div></td>
that works only if its a short row. i have the table wrapped inside a div which i styled with overflow: hidden and white-space: nowrap. if ive got 100 left links then the center link wont be centered. u know how to fix it so the links will stick out in the left side to? in that way the center link will be centered i guess.
send the full html you have instead of just the A's, that could help
Did you try to put a space either between the A's or at the end of the text of the A like: <a>foobar </a>, if you do that the text will wrap.
take a look at this: i need the left side to be outside the div that the center tag will be in the center.