Hi everybody, I am new to AJAX and jQuery so please excuse me if this is kind of basic:
I implemented the great jgrid by 2dconcepts (http://www.2dconcept.com/jquery-grid-rails-plugin). Now I would like to select the data in my table with the checkbox, - get the product ids (that works fine I see the alert from the 'handleSelection') and pass it over to my custom action in the rails controller to edit the specified records (very similar to Ryan B's railscast #165). I simply have no idea how I would do that.
<script type="text/javascript">
function handleSelection(id) {
alert('Open those up?:'+id);
<% title "JGRID Table" %>
<%= jqgrid("Products", "products", "/products",
{ :field => "id", :label => "ID", :width => 40, :resizable => false },
{ :field => "vendorname", :width => 200, :label => "vendorname", :editable => true },
{ :field => "productname", :width => 230, :label => "productname", :editable => true },
{ :field => "metakeyword", :width => 250, :label => "metakeyword", :editable => true },
{ :field => "status", :width => 100, :label => "status", :editable => true, :edittype => "select",
:editoptions => { :value => [["inbox","inbox"], ["todo", "todo"], ["final","final"]] } },
{ :field => "category_id", :label => "category_id", :width => 100, :resizable => false, :editable => true }
{ :add => true,
:edit => true,
:inline_edit => true,
:delete => true,
:edit_url => "/products/post_data",
:rows_per_page => 30,
:height => 270,
:selection_handler => "handleSelection",
:multi_selection => true }
I think I need to put the post-request in the function and call it with something like this:
<%= button_to_function('EDIT CHECKED', 'handleSelection(id)', {
:id => "products_select_button"}) %>
But to be honest, not even that button would work, as it passes the string "products_select_button" to the function, and not the collected value...
Your help is greatly appreciated!
<%= button_to_function('EDIT CHECKED', 'handleSelection(id)', {:id => "products_select_button"}) %>