I've been working with PHP for about a year, but I do it as a hobby. I dont have anybody I can go to as a teacher or a mentor to give me advice on what I may be doing completely wrong, or what I could do better. I've done quite a few different things within that year, so I wouldnt consider myself a complete noob.
Anyways, I have just started using a framework (Kohana), and there really arent that many tutorials out there, so I'm not entirely sure if I'm doing things in a good way.
I have a few code snippets that I would like to post to get some feedback pertaining to what I just said.
For Starters
User Controller
class User_Controller extends Template_Controller{
public function register()
// logged in users cant register
// initially show an empty form
$form = $errors = array
'username' => '',
'email' => '',
'password' => '',
'gender' => '',
'dob_month' => '',
'dob_day' => '',
'dob_year' => '',
'date_of_birth' => '',
'captcha' => '',
'registration' => ''
// check for a form submission
// get the form
$post = $this->input->post();
// prepare the data for validation
$post['date_of_birth'] = "{$post['dob_year']}-{$post['dob_month']}-{$post['dob_day']}";
// create a new user
$user = ORM::factory('user');
// validate and register the user.
if($user->register($post, TRUE))
// login using the collected data
if(Auth::instance()->login($post->username, $post->password, TRUE))
// redirect the user to the profile page
// get validation errors and repopulate the form
$form = arr::overwrite($form, $post->as_array());
$errors = arr::overwrite($errors, $post->errors('registration_errors'));
// template variables
$this->template->title = 'Sign Up';
$this->template->body = new View('layout_1');
// layout variables
$this->template->body->left = new View('user/registration_form');
$this->template->body->right = 'Right Side Content';
// registration form variables
$this->template->body->left->form = $form;
$this->template->body->left->errors = $errors;
$this->template->body->left->captcha = new Captcha('register');
Register Function within User_Model
class User_Model extends ORM{
public function register(array& $user, $save = FALSE)
$user = new Validation($user);
// logged in users cant register
$user->add_error('registration', 'logged_in');
return FALSE;
// trim everything
// everything is required
->add_rules('*', 'required')
// username must be 5 - 30 alphanumeric characters and available
->add_rules('username', 'length[5,30]', 'valid::alpha_numeric', array($this, 'username_available'))
// email must be valid format and available
->add_rules('email', 'valid::email', array($this, 'email_available'))
// password must be 5 - 15 characters and alpha dash
->add_rules('password', 'length[5,15]', 'valid::alpha_dash')
// gender must be either male or female. capitalize first letter
->add_rules('gender', array($this, 'valid_gender'))
->post_filter('ucfirst', 'gender')
// dob must be a valid date, and user must be old enough.
->add_callbacks('date_of_birth', array($this, 'check_dob'))
// captcha must be entered correctly.
->add_rules('captcha', 'Captcha::valid');
// add the registration date
$this->registration_date = date::unix2mysql(); // helper function transforms the current unix to mysql datetime format
// validate the information. an ORM function.
$result = parent::validate($user, $save);
// was the user info valid?
if($result === TRUE)
// was the user saved?
if($save === TRUE)
// add a login role
$this->add(ORM::factory('role', 'login'));
$user->add_error('registration', 'failed');
return $result;
Mostly all my models follow the same format when validating info.
I have some other things I would appreciate feedback on as well, but I dont want to overwhelm anybody.
Thanks a lot for your time
EDIT: I'm sorry, I should've posted both the user controller and model. I've been reading alot about how models should be fat, and controllers should be skinny. Thats why I created a register function in the model to validate the info instead of doing so within the controller. The register function takes an array, but turns that array into a validation object so that I can retrieve the user input, and the errors. I've seen a few tutorials on Kohana where it was done this way.