



I'm trying to create an MVC application that uses an Access 2007 DB (.accdb). I can create the Model using DataSet. But if I try to create a Model using EntityFramework, I can't get past VS2008 wanting to make the connection string be a SQL server. Am I missing something, or does EF not play with Access?

+1  A: 

The Entity Framework works only with ADO.NET providers that support it. To use your Access database, I assume you use the OleDB provider, which doesn't support EF. Microsoft provides only two ADO.NET providers that support EF : SQL Server, and SQL Server CE. However you can find third party providers for other DBMS :

There are probably many others, but as far as I know, nothing for Access (which IMHO in not much of a DBMS anyway...)

Thomas Levesque
There was really no need for that last parenthetical. Why don't you edit that out of your answer, which was otherwise ust fine?
If what you say is true, what about using SQL Server and a linked server to get to Access/Jet/ACE? Then you could go through SQL Server and get to the Jet/ACE data as though it were SQL Server data, no?
perhaps... to be honest, I'm not even sure what you're talking about... do you mean that you can query another database through SQL Server, similarly to Oracle's DB links ?
Thomas Levesque
SQL Server allows you do mount other SQL Servers and Jet/ACE databases as "linked servers" and then you can use them from your SQL Server database. It's kind of like Access linked tables. I would assume that's what Oracle provides, too, but I know nothing about Oracle (none of my clients are foolish enough to use such an expensive database).
OK... so it might be an option indeed
Thomas Levesque