I'd like to convert my current HTTP/HTTPS WCF binding settings to use binary message encoding and I need to do it in code - not in XML configuration. AFAIK it's necessary to create CustomBinding object and set proper BindingElements, but I'm not able to figure out what elements should I use in my scenario.
Main points in my WCF configuration are:
- use HTTP or HTTPS transport depending on configuration (in app.config)
- use username message security
- todo: add binary encoding instead of default text
My current code for setting the binding up (working, but without the binary encoding):
var isHttps = Settings.Default.wcfServiceBaseAddress.StartsWith("https://", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
var binding = new WSHttpBinding(isHttps ? SecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential : SecurityMode.Message);
binding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.UserName;
I was trying this code, but it doesn't work - I don't know how to set message security element for username message security:
var custBinding = new CustomBinding();
custBinding.Elements.Add(new BinaryMessageEncodingBindingElement());
//Transport Security (Not Required)
if (isHttps)
//Transport (Required)
custBinding.Elements.Add(isHttps ?
new HttpsTransportBindingElement() :
new HttpTransportBindingElement());
Anybody knows how to set this up? I tried to search for similar problem/solution, but didn't succeeded...