




after posting a question related to nginx, I'm a bit further with my investigations: The problem is, that the merb framework timeouts after about 30 seconds. If i tell the underlying nginx-server not to timeout, merb does, and I can't find a way to tell it not to; I need to do requests that take up to some minutes.

Any hints? Thanks a lot.

-- UPDATE --

Seems that mongrel behind merb is causing the error. Is there any way to change the mongrel-timeout running with merb?

+1  A: 


Perhaps a different approach would yield better results - rather than workaround the timeouts, how about maximizing throughput by deferring the execution of the task?

Some approaches for long-running tasks are to either use run_later or exec a separate worker process to complete the task ...

def run_in_background(r) do
        response = IO.popen(r) do |f|

In both cases you should return 202 (Accepted) as the status code and a URL where the calling application can get status updates.

I use this approach to handle requests which cause background batch processes to execute. Each writes it's start-time, progress and completion-time to a database (you could easily use a file). When the URL is invoked, I fetch the progress from the database and provide that back to the calling process.

Chris McCauley
hi there, thanks for your answer, but this is not an option since another function is awaiting a return value, and i can't rewrite the whole application
No problem, sorry I couldn't help more.
Chris McCauley