



suppose a web application requires some people to create a page with info they fill in as a form and other people to search for such pages using keywords or enumerated values for various form fields. Well, for instance it could be like Craigslist sales postings only structured as a single form - you specify the town, the category, the price etc all on one page and then people search for it similarly by specifying allowed values for the town, the price etc. I am guessing that's a very common scenario in the field of web programming which screams for a generic implementation - so the developer makes the template for the info form and related template for the search form and then it just all starts magically working.

Is there a CMS out there that would do something like this for me out of the box, just by customizing the form templates? Let's say I want to build a new "Craigslist" where the users can create two types of pages - user profiles and actual postings - and also be able to search through these pages using "advanced search" by form fields. What CMS, framework, API or similar should I use to accomplish this with minimal coding effort and maximal automagic goodness?