hi from these for loop iam using javascript to calculate the total of mark1,mark2,mark3 and the average of the total...
<input type="text" name="tblRowCount" id="tblRowCount" />
<table align="center" width="100%" border="0" class="table_Style_Border" id="table">
<input type="text" name="txtrowcount" id="txtrowcount" />
my for loop is this
$a = 1;
for($i=0;$i<sizeof($StudName);$i++) { ?>
<tr align="left">
<td class="table_label"><? echo $code[$i].' - '.$StudName[$i]; ?></td>
<td><input type = "text" name="mark1<?= $a ?>" id="mark1<?= $a ?>" ></td>
<td><input type = "text" name="mark2<?= $a ?>" id="mark2<?= $a ?>" ></td>
<td><input type = "text" name="mark3<?= $a ?>" id="mark3<?= $a ?>"
onkeyup="return percent('mark1<?= $a ?>','mark2<?= $a ?>','mark3<?= $a ?>','total<?= $a ?>','Average<?= $a ?>')" ></td>
<td><input type = "text" name="total<?= $a ?>" id="total<?= $a ?>"
onkeyup="return percent('mark1<?= $a ?>','mark2<?= $a ?>','mark3<?= $a ?>','total<?= $a ?>','Average<?= $a ?>')"></td>
<td><input type = "text" name="Average<?= $a ?>" id="Average<?= $a ?>" ></td>
<? $a++; } ?>
this is my javascript
function percent(mark1,mark2,mark3,total,Average)
var tbl = document.getElementById('table');
var mark1value=document.getElementById(mark1).value;
var mark2value=document.getElementById(mark2).value;
var mark3value=document.getElementById(mark3).value;
var totalvalue=document.getElementById(total).value;
var averagevalue=document.getElementById(Average).value;
total_1 = parseInt(mark1value)+parseInt(mark2value)+parseInt(mark3value);
average_1 = total_1/3;
document.getElementById(total).value = total_1.toFixed(2);
document.getElementById(Average).value = average_1.toFixed(2);
function tblrowcount()
var tblid = document.getElementById('table');
document.getElementById('txtrowcount').value = tblid.rows.length-1;
return true;
function removeRowFromTable()
var tbl = document.getElementById('table');
var lastRow = tbl.rows.length;
if (lastRow > 2)
tbl.deleteRow(lastRow - 1);
how can i receive the post values i tried it this way but that didnt work for me
function Addmark()
$mI[] = $this->input->post($mark1);
$mII[] = $this->input->post($mark2);
$mIII[] = $this->input->post($mark3);
$Total[] = $this->input->post($total);
$Avrg[] = $this->input->post($Average);
$res = $this->staffModel->Addmark($mI,$mII,$mIII,$Total,$Avrg);
$this->session->set_flashdata('response', 'data added successfully !');
$this->session->set_flashdata('response', 'data already exist !');
how can i get the values