in my work I use a lot of Venn diagrams, and so far I've been relying on the web-based "Venny". This offers the nice option to export the various intersections (i.e., the elements belonging only to that specific intersection). Also, it does diagrams up to 4 lists.
Problem is, doing this with large lists (4K+ elements) and more than 3 sets is a chore (copy, paste, save...). Thus, I have decided to focus on generating the lists myself and use it just to plot.
This lengthy introduction leads to the crux of the matter. Given 3 or 4 lists which partially contain identical elements, how can I process them in Python to obtain the various sets (unique, common to 4, common to just first and second, etc...) as shown on the Venn diagram (3 list graphical example, 4 list graphical example)? It doesn't look too hard for 3 lists but for 4 it gets somewhat complex.