Hi im trying to connect to integrate my form to a payment provider but im getting URL not allowed and it turns out that the HTTP_REFERER is not found..
#the following function performs a HTTP Post and returns the whole response
function pullpage( $host, $usepath, $postdata = "" ) {
# open socket to filehandle(epdq encryption cgi)
$fp = fsockopen( $host, 80, &$errno, &$errstr, 60 );
#check that the socket has been opened successfully
if( !$fp ) {
print "$errstr ($errno)<br>\n";
else {
#write the data to the encryption cgi
fputs( $fp, "POST $usepath HTTP/1.0\n");
$strlength = strlen( $postdata );
fputs( $fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n" );
fputs( $fp, "Content-length: ".$strlength."\n\n" );
fputs( $fp, $postdata."\n\n" );
#clear the response data
$output = "";
#read the response from the remote cgi
#while content exists, keep retrieving document in 1K chunks
while( !feof( $fp ) ) {
$output .= fgets( $fp, 1024);
#close the socket connection
fclose( $fp);
#return the response
return $output;
#define the remote cgi in readiness to call pullpage function
#the following parameters have been obtained earlier in the merchant's webstore
#clientid, passphrase, oid, currencycode, total
#perform the HTTP Post
$response = pullpage( $server,$url,$params );
#split the response into separate lines
#for each line in the response check for the presence of the string 'epdqdata'
#this line contains the encrypted string
for ($i=0;$i<$response_line_count;$i++){
if (preg_match('/epdqdata/',$response_lines[$i])){
<FORM action="https://secure2.epdq.co.uk/cgi-bin/CcxBarclaysEpdq.e" method="POST">
<?php print "$strEPDQ"; ?>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="returnurl" value="http://www.xxxxxx.co.uk/test/confirm.php">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="merchantdisplayname" value="xx xxx">
<INPUT type=hidden name=baddr1 value="address line 1">
<INPUT type=hidden name=baddr2 value="address line 2">
<INPUT type=hidden name=baddr3 value="address line 3">
<INPUT type=hidden name=bcity value="City">
<INPUT type=hidden name=bcountyprovince value="County">
<INPUT type=hidden name=bpostalcode value="Postcode">
<INPUT type=hidden name=bcountry value="GB">
<INPUT type=hidden name=btelephonenumber value="01111 012345">
<INPUT type=hidden name=email value="xxxxx">
<INPUT type=hidden name=saddr1 value="Address line 1">
<INPUT type=hidden name=saddr2 value="Address line 2">
<INPUT type=hidden name=saddr3 value="Address line 3">
<INPUT type=hidden name=scity value="City">
<INPUT type=hidden name=scountyprovince value="County">
<INPUT type=hidden name=spostalcode value="Postcode">
<INPUT type=hidden name=scountry value="GB">
<INPUT type=hidden name=stelephonenumber value="01111 012345">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="purchase">
can anyone help?