



I have three models A, B, and C, where A has_many B; B belongs to C, and B has a created_on timestamp. C has_many A through B.

I want to return all A where A has a B that belongs to C and where B is the most recently created B for that A.

I can do this with a method loop. Can this be done solely with named_scopes?, or is some other elegant/efficient manner?

As per request for real world (TM) examples A, B and C can be imagined as, for instance, Pets (A), PetsName (B), and Names (C). PetsNames are given to Pets at a specific time, and any given Name can be given to many Pets. Any Pet can have many Names (a :through relationship). For a given Name I want all of the Pets in which that Name is the most recently created PetName for that Pet. The call may look something like @name.pets.most_recently_named_as

+3  A: 

The Rails way to do this is a named scope on pets.

Something like this:

class Pets
  has_many :pet_names
  has_many :names, :through => :pet_names

  named_scope :with_current_name, lambda {|name| 
    { :joins => "JOIN (pet_names pna, names) " +
        "ON (pna.pet_id = AND pna.name_id = " +
        "LEFT JOIN pet_names pnb " +
        "ON (pnb.pet_id = AND pna.created_at < pnb.created_at)", 
      :conditions => [" IS NULL AND = ? ", name]


To keep things name centric you could always define a method on C/Name that invokes the named scope.

You could always do

class Name < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :pet_names
  has_many :pets, :through => :pet_names

  def currently_named_pets



It's a pretty complicated join. Which is an indicator that you should probably should rethink the way you store this information. Why is it so important that Names be in a separate table?

You might be better off doing something like this:

After adding name and old_name columns to Pet:

class Pet < ActiveRecord::Base
  serialize :old_name, Array
  def after_initialization 
    @old_name ||= []

  def name= new_name
    self.old_name << new_name = new_name

  named_scope :with_name, lambda {|name|
     { :conditions => {:name => name}}
Thanks much EmFi, I'll try that named scope out. I know it's a complicated join, that's why I asked. The greatly simplified example here is just a proxy for my real models which nicely stand alone, I definitely can't use serialize. Bonus points still out there for doing this with methods chained to instances of A/Pet.
Could you clarify what you mean by that? The operation involved does not make sense when chained from an instance of A/Pet.Besides, you wouldn't want to do it through chained methods. The ActiveRecord overhead between statements is very inefficient. However the named scope still works on associations that return As/Pets. `@store.pets.with_current_name(name)`
You're right! I meant C/Names (as in the original outline of the problem). So @name.pets gets me all pets with the name @name. I wanted to chain something to that to limit the pets array to those where @name is the most recent name (to keep the approach Name centric). Thinking about this more I think it just can't be done, so your solution seems to be the way to go. Thanks again for the help, and apologies for the confusion.
If that's what you really want there's nothing stopping you from defining a method in the C/Name model that calls the Pets named scope and supplies self as an argument.
Right. Have your solution implemented, some minor points- `:join` should be `:joins` in your answer, and the trailing "` < pnb.created_at`", should be closed with a ")". Thanks again, this is a generally useful pattern for me.
Sorry about that. I didn't actually run the code, so typos occasionally slip through. I've fixed them now.