



Is there a way to use a method call of an object as the target of a conditional in a Smarty template?

As a concrete example, I have an object $user with a method loggedIn(). I want to use this method to show extra info if the user is logged in.

I can assign the return value of this method to a temporary variable and use this as the target of {if}:

{user->loggedIn assign="loggedIn"}
{if $loggedIn}
  // show extra info

Is there a way to skip this intermediate step? I'd like something like this (doesn't work):

{if user->loggedIn}
  // show extra info

I can't find any examples of using objects like this in Smarty's documentation.

+1  A: 

Use assign_by_ref instead of register_object:

$smarty->assign_by_ref('user', $user);

Then you can access methods:

{if $user->loggedIn()}
    // show extra info
Exactly what I was looking for, thank you!
Edward Mazur