I have an installation of XAMPP and an application built on Zend Framework that works in a normal apache2 + php5 environment. The application resides inside a vhost correctly configured and as a precaution I also added .phtml files to match php compiler
<FilesMatch "\.php$|\.php5$|\.php4$|\.php3$|\.phtml$|\.phpt$">
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
When I access any page of the application I get the php code rendered in browser instead of the rendered html. PHP files are compiled, so a die('aaa') in any place before rendering works as expected. But when Zend_View includes the script file in method _run() everything gets outputed to browser as text.
I tested with a plain index.phtml file in a test directory and it acts like a php file. it is interpreted by php.exe, but when zend includes view scripts I can't figure out what's happening.
Can someone offer some help ?