Hi All,
i want the content inside of the "img" tag from the string. for ex:- if str="< img src="/files/thumbnails/001.simonhiggins_comm games_thumb.jpg" title="Commonwealth Games" alt="showreel" class="clear-right-margin" />"
then i want to o/p using preg_split as follows:- src="/files/thumbnails/001.simonhiggins_comm games_thumb.jpg" title="Commonwealth Games" alt="showreel" class="clear-right-margin"
i used following code to find it out
$x = preg_split('//',$p,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
but it is not working properly for some cases for ex:- if there is a space or a blank line inside the image tag.
Salil Gaikwad